Friday, September 11, 2009

Thornton Heath Andy to drive around the world in a bio-truck

When I arranged to meet Team leader of the Bio Truck expedition, I didn't expect him to say he lived in Thornton Heath! YES, THORNTON

Phornten 'Eaf resident Andy Pag leaves tomorrow on a 12 month expedition around the world in his biotruck. His trip will take him through Europe to Istanbul, before heading to Iran, then China, followed by the Americas.

I met him this morning as he put the finishing touches to his vehicle. It didn't take long to realise that this former BBC employee was super knowledgeable about energy production. He showed me around the truck. I have to confess I was struggling to keep up with the physics of how everything worked. In order to stick to his target of two tonnes of carbon per person - the levels required if we are going to meet our targets in 2050 (presently 12 tonnes) - the vehicle has been designed to run on vegetable oil and hydrogen which comes from a solar powered hydrogen generator! Practically all the internal fitting out has been done with stuff he has picked up from freecycle, eg carpets and curtains. He's also got a compost loo. More details on his web site.

Bon Voyage Andy!

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