Friday, September 02, 2011

Shop them then shop



Croydon Council's marketing team have been working overtime to reassure shoppers and residents that all is safe and well in the borough. Fortunately, the arrangement with JC DECAUX has given the Council a ready-made opportunity to get their message out there. It will take time to calculate whether the 'Shop them then shop' strategy has worked.

I was recently advised by a local youth worker that out of the 922 arrested and 401 charged, "only about 24 were young people."

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Anonymous said...

Well, for starters what's 'young'?

I'd get some offical stats first.

Anonymous said...

Well, for starters what's 'young'?

I'd get some offical stats first.

Shasha Khan said...

It's a good point. What is 'young'? In this instance I am passing on the exact wording sent to me via email. Apparently, Guardian journalist Paul Lewis said at a recent meeting that reporters from that newspaper were being sent all round the country in an attempt to record the names/backgrounds of those up in court as there didn't seem to be official stats available.

Standing up for what matters